
Monday, October 14, 2013


I've been thinking about being thankful today and how the attitude of thankfulness often directly leads to happiness.  Our culture today is amazed by so little. We take so many things for granted and somewhere between childhood and the teenage years we loose the sense of wonder and awe that can make us thankful and appreciate what we have and the world we live in. I hear so many stories about kids and teenagers that can't handle the word "No" and who "couldn't live without my phone/ipad/tablet/etc." As well as kids who come to EXPECT the next video game, toy, or electronic device and therefore are not thankful for it because they expected it. When we begin to understand that we are blessed beyond measure just to have running water, then we become thankful for everything and it leads to us feeling happy and blessed more often. I have a friend who does a lot of thankfulness posts on her blog and she talks a lot about how that spirit of giving thanks puts our lives into perspective and changes our attitude almost immediately. So practically speaking, what are you thankful for? What are you amazed by? What have you been taking for granted? I think its this positive psychology that can also be helpful for us to use with clients. When is the last time you asked a client what they were thankful for? or your kids for that matter?

Ok, I'll start and leave you with a few things I am thankful for today! I am thankful for this computer that I type on and that it works well. I am thankful for my husband and my family but more specifically today I am thankful for my husbands discipline and wisdom when I lack it. I am amazed that people all over the world have the capability of reading these words (not that it would happen, lol) but really think about it, the internet is an amazing thing and we take it for granted. Just 10-20 years ago we did not have the capability to connect with so many people all over the globe as quickly and efficiently as we do now. Really, it amazes me. I am also thankful for my dog, whose cuddles bring so much joy to my life. Lastly for today, I'm thankful for ice and refrigeration. I can drink cold drinks and not everyone in the world has that privilege.

One thing that always helps me more thankful is to remember those in the world who are less fortunate. The picture below is from some of my travels in Africa.
Bathing outdoors in a washtub, but happy as can be! 

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