
Sunday, October 27, 2013

True Spiritual Community

I'm reading a book right now called Becoming a True Spiritual Community by Larry Crabb. I'm reading with some other ladies and we are all chiming in on a friends blog on what we thought about it. I'm only on the first chapter, but the book is all about how healing can take place through true spiritual community, and I'm not talking about the have a bible study, drink a little coffee, but never share my true struggles kind of community. Having experienced both the shallow kind as well as the deep intimate community where accountability, healing, and love abound myself, I've realized the latter is quite rare. I saw that I've experienced it, but I'm not experiencing it currently and I feel that gap. I want it back. True spiritual community is more like group therapy really. It's messy, its real, its hard, but man is it worth it. The bible is so relational but often we find ourselves settling for a substitute community that might be nice, but really doesn't meet that deep need for true spiritual community. Since Larry Crabb is a Christian Counselor he often relates a lot of what he says back to counseling and on what it means to be therapeutic in our spiritual lives. And I guess what all this relates back to is how our lives and the lives of our clients are deeply effected by the people we are surrounded by. I've always said that  co-workers can make or break a job. Likewise, having a good loving family can mean the difference of life and death even. When we know that we aren't alone and that there are people that we are allowed to be our true selves around, great things can happen, no matter how young or old you are. So perhaps its time for you and myself for that matter to take the risk and be vulnerable the experience true spiritual community.

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